Beer Review: Southampton Triple Abbey Style Ale
The Southampton Double White is one of my favorite beers. So I was thrilled today when I was picking up a pack of Sam Adams to celebrate their 25th anniversary that I spotted a large bottle of Southampton Triple Abbey Style Ale. Previously, I had only had their three flagship beer – the Double White, IPA, and Altbeir. I had no idea they made a triple, and it is one those beers I like to consider a “secret beer,” one that isn’t mentioned on the brewer’s website.
When I first poured the beer, I noticed that it was dark amber, slightly cloudy. The head was yellow and receded quickly. The nose was quite mellow, mostly being sweet and malty. It has a medium heavy mouthfeel, and it the alcohol taste was pretty strong, or at least stronger than I would expect from an 8% ABV beer. Taste wise I can only really describe it as having a sweet, almost caramel or candy like flavor. Again, because of the hotness from the alcohol, it reminded me a little like a whiskey. Defiantly a good beer, although it’s not one that you sit back and chug on a summer day, it’s better for sipping and enjoying.